The Benefits of Switching to a Sunscreen that Contains Zinc Oxide & Titanium Dioxide

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, with an estimated 5.4 million cases diagnosed each year. That’s why it’s important to use a strong sunscreen that provides lasting coverage and protects your skin from harmful UV rays.
However, there are many sunscreens on the market, and you might be wondering which type of sunscreen is best for you. Here at Plateroti Dermatology in Templeton, California, skincare is our specialty. Dr. Carmelo Plateroti and our talented team understands the importance of keeping your skin happy and healthy, so you can look and feel great.
That’s why we’re here to show you the benefits of using mineral sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
The difference between chemical and mineral sunscreens
When chemical sunscreens came out on the market, they gained popularity for their absorbency, lightness, and lack of chalky residue on the skin. However, chemical sunscreens absorb the sun’s harmful rays, instead of reflecting them like their mineral counterparts.
On the other hand, mineral sunscreens act like an aluminum foil shield of sorts, deflecting harmful rays away from your skin.
The benefits of mineral sunscreen
When it comes to choosing between the two options, there are more benefits to using mineral sunscreens. These days, they are made much lighter and less chalky for daily use. Here are some of the benefits of switching to a mineral-based sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide:
It’s safer on sensitive skin
Mineral sunscreens don’t contain harsh synthetic chemicals, and because they aren’t absorbed into your skin, they’re safer for sensitive skin. They’re less likely to cause skin irritation, unlike their chemical counterparts.
In particular, titanium dioxide has long been proven safe for cosmetics, non-irritating, and better suited for sensitive skin. What’s more, zinc oxide is also a skin protector and anti-irritant.
It actually provides more protection
Mineral sunscreens provide protection against both the sun’s UVB and UVA rays, which are the two types of ultraviolet radiation that cause damage to your skin. To be safe, you’ll want to pick up a bottle of sunscreen that’s labeled as “full spectrum” or “broad spectrum” protection.
It’s safer for acne-prone skin
Chemical sunscreen is more likely to cause clogged pores and blemishes, since it sinks into your pores. Look for mineral sunscreen that says non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores.
It’s more convenient for daily use
Today’s mineral sunscreens are not heavy and pasty like they used to be, and they’re now designed to be just as invisible as their chemical counterparts.
Mineral sunscreens can even come in tinted varieties to match your skin tone. They also come in powders, which can be applied over your makeup for convenience.
Start caring for your skin today
Dr. Plateroti only uses and recommends zinc and titanium dioxide based mineral sunscreens to his patients. If you have questions or concerns about your skin and how to protect it against sun damage, it’s time to make an appointment with us at Plateroti Dermatology. We provide you with the leading, most innovative preventative measures and treatments available for sun damage. Call or schedule an appointment directly on our website today.
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